January Bethlehem Star
Greetings from Pastor Anne
Reflections for the second quarter of the 21st century.
How can the first quarter of the 21st century be over?
Current college students were not alive in the 1900’s, when they say 1900’s they mean all of it. (I don’t know about you, but I usually mean pre-world war two).
The last 25 years (include 2000 in that math) feel like they have been pretty crazy.
Change feels like the only constant in our world.
Change is NOT the only constant in our world.
While it might be hard to see sometimes, God’s promises are indeed constant. We just finished celebrating Christmas, which remembers one of God’s most enduring promises: that death will not have the final word and that we can never be separated from God’s love.
When we celebrate Christmas, we celebrate God come to earth, God walking and talking with humanity, God, in Jesus, teaching and preaching, feeding the hungry, healing the sick, showing us how to live the kind of lives God wants us to live. Jesus shows us that God loves us so much that God would come to earth and walk among us.
It is through Jesus’ death and resurrection that we know that death doesn’t have the final word in our lives. That God would willingly die for us and show us through the empty tomb that death isn’t the end.
But how do we know about these promises? Where do we learn about them? (You won’t be surprised by this answer!) We start with Scripture.
This winter, you’ll have an opportunity to be a part of a conversation about those promises as we read Manna and Mercy: A Brief History of God’s Unfolding Promise to Mend the Entire Universe together as a congregation.
Watch for more details in newsletters, bulletins and online. There will be opportunities to gather as well as study on your own.
Bright blessings in 2025!
Youth Corner
Ellen Olson, Coordinator of Youth Ministries
Teen Activity
On Wednesday, December 4, 4 teens met with several adults, and we made thirty-nine t-shirt bags for the Vinton Food Pantry together. A fun project as we continue to SERVE our community.
Sunday School Christmas Program
The Christmas program, “Christmas in Four Acts: Zechariah, Isaiah, Mary and Elizabeth” was presented on Sunday, December 15 during the 9 am worship service.
I am thankful for Roxann Harms who helped me with the details, Lois Martin who shared her love of music, Katie Kuhn and Erin Heims who were front pew choreographers of the children, the 4 young teens who were narrators and especially to the whole Sunday school youth who shared the beautiful story of the birth of Jesus. Also, to Joye and Coleman Moore and Dave Vermedahl who graciously portrayed Mary, Joseph, and the innkeeper. And to the parents who make practices and the program a Christmas priority. Thank you!
LYO Breakfast
Thanks to our LYO youth and parents for providing and serving the delicious pancake breakfast on December 15 after the Christmas program.
Classes Resume
There will be no Sunday School classes on December 29 and January 5. We will resume classes on Sunday, January 12 at 10 am with a group activity. In this activity we will explore the rings of service of God and church family. I am asking for empty ready-made frosting containers with the lids for the group activity. Please drop off at the office. Thank you for your donation.
Christmas Poinsettias
Thank you to everyone that donated poinsettias to
decorate our sanctuary this Christmas. They were
donated to the glory of God at the birth of our Savior and
In Honor of:
Luke Wilson by Steve & Linda Wallace
Our Bethlehem Family by Gregg & Debbie Sampson
Mona Hanson by Dave & Lisa Vermedahl
Brenda Sutton by Dave & Lisa Vermedahl
My Family by Mona Hanson
Our Family by Maurice & Pat Gardner
Emelia Jacobson by Jim Dahl
Robert Dahl by Jim Dahl
In Loving Memory of:
Kenneth & Velma Fry by the Jorgensen Family
James & Vera Fry by the Jorgensen Family
Elmer & Marvel Gries by the Jorgensen Family
James & Helen Jorgensen by the Jorgensen Family
Paul Grossman by Denise Evans
Devish Singh by Steve & Linda Wallace
Dell Hanson by Tom & Dana Hanson and
John & Shirale Hanson
Leonard & Leslie Mullinix by Tom & Dana Hanson and Jackie Bear
Loved Ones by Marcy Hanson
Lyle Bolton by Elaine Bolton
Ron Roushar by Jackie Bear
Duane Mangold by Sue Mangold
Jerry Smith by Sue Mangold
Darlene Struve by Shirale & John Hanson
ELCA Good Gifts
Again this year, Bethlehem Lutheran will be participating in the ELCA Good Gifts Program. After making a donation, you may then take a corresponding ornament off the tree to take home with you or give to the person in whose honor you made the donation. The donations collected are then sent to the ELCA and the items you purchased are given to those around the world who need a little help in their daily lives. Please see the small Christmas tree on the table in Augustana Hall for more information regarding this project. This project will run from Sunday, November 29 through January 5, 2025.
Thank you.
Food for Thought Book Club
Meets on the third Thursday of the month at the Brickside Brew N Chew at 12:00 noon in Vinton.
January book will be “The Missing Sister”
by Lucinda Riley
February book will be “The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek” by Kim Michele Richardson
March book will be “Atlas, The Story of Pa Salt”
By Lucinda Riley & Harry Whittaker
April book will be “An Invisible Thread”
By Laura Schroff
May book will be “Hello Beautiful” by Ann Napolitano
Fellowship Hour
Fellowship after Sunday Worship Service is a great time for us to share conversation with our Bethlehem Family. Coffee, Lemonade, and Water are provided and if you would like to help supply and serve delicious treats, please sign up on the bulletin board in Augustana Hall. If you need any assistance, please contact the church office.
Online Giving
Online Giving is available through our Bethlehem Lutheran website www.bethlehemvinton.org. There is a blue “Online Giving” button on the home page. Click on the button to go to the online giving page. If you have any questions, please contact the church office at 319-472-3784.
Offering Envelopes
Offering Envelopes have arrived so check your mail slot by the restrooms to pick your box of envelopes. If you would like them mailed to you, please contact the church office.
Benton County Food Pantry
Please send your monetary donation to:
Benton County Food Pantry
PO Box 3
Vinton, IA 52349
Your continued support is greatly appreciated.
We have remembered the following in prayers
during the month of December. If you are missed off this list, our sincere apologies.
For health, healing and comfort: Jim Woolison, Cindy Krempges, Nancy Gray, Joan Volberding, Julie Lindahl, Bob Stoulil, Michael Greis, Maverick Ketchum, Dick Dreesman, Jean Jurgensen-McCurdy, Raina Lough, Marlyn Jorgensen, Pam Wilson, Madelyn Lange, Arlene Carls, Elaine Bearbower, The Family of Anna Flexsenhar, The Family of Chris Millius
January Server Schedule
Month of January:
Acolytes: Jack Blais, Madeline Blais
Altar Guild: Sue Mangold, Linda Wallace
January 5th & 12th
Communion Server: Brenda Krull
Greeters: Jackie Bear, Didrik Lundtvedt
Lector: Stephanie Humiston
Ushers: Tim & Cheryl Jorgensen,
Curt & Michelle Tauke
Counters (5th): Mona Hanson, Ryan McClintock
Counters (12th): Mona Hanson, Denise Evans
January 19th & 26th
Communion Server: Roxann Harms
Greeters: Roxann Harms, Bill Martin
Lector: Patricia Lough
Ushers: Rob & Emily Hanson,
Ryan & Kelli McClintock
Counters (19th): Rob Hanson, Denise Evans
Counters (26th): Rob Hanson, Sondra Gates